
March 3, 2017

75 - Michael Mendheim & Rob McCallum from Mutant Football League

This week, we have a chat with Michael Mendheim and Rob McCallum, here to tell us all about Mutant Football League, the revival of the 16-bit classic Mutant League Football.
Feb. 23, 2017

74 - Mr. Din

This week, on The SEGA Lounge, we have Mr. Din, admin of Streets of Rage Online and the Brawlers Avenue community. Learn more about the fansite as well as his projects to revive the SOR franchise.
Feb. 16, 2017

73 - David Lloyd & Larry Oji from OC ReMix

It's time for our usual tie-in with Mega Visions mag. This month, we sit down with David "djpretzel" Lloyd and Larry "Liontamer" Oji from OC ReMix to discuss how and why the community started and what's in store for the future.
Feb. 9, 2017

72 - Ken Horowitz

This week, we welcome back Ken Horowitz to the show and learn more about his book "Playing at the Next Level". He also reveals his plans for an upcoming book dedicated to another piece of SEGA history. - Follow Sega-16 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sega16 - Check out Ken's book: https://www.a…
Guest: Ken Horowitz
Feb. 2, 2017

71 - Round Table - 2016 Review & 2017 Predictions

Welcome to the grand reopening of The SEGA Lounge! On the first Round Table episode of the show, KC is joined by Awinnerwasyou, Chris and Ryan to discuss their opinions on how well SEGA did last year and what we can expect from the company in 2017. Shadid and Dylan Cornelius also join the roster of…
Dec. 22, 2016

70 - MegaDriver

Welcome to the season finale of The SEGA Lounge! We have a very nice interview with Nino, of legendary game metal band MegaDriver. There's also Memories of SEGA and the promise of a new season after a short break. Check out MegaDriver's music at http://www.megadriver.com.br
Dec. 18, 2016

69 - Opus Science Collective

As part of RadioSEGA's WinterFest 2016 event, we open the doors of The SEGA Lounge to Steve from the Opus Science Collective. And not only do we have a chat about their music, but we also play their brand new Sonic-themed EP "Zoned". You can grab "Zoned", for free, from https://opussciencecollec…
Guest: OSC
Dec. 8, 2016

68 - Puyo Nexus

This week, KC and EsperK are joined by S2 and NostalgiaNinja, from Puyo Nexus, an amazing community of Puyo Puyo players. Learn about the project and their desire to bring Puyo Puyo Chronicles to an Western audience (#PuyoChroniclesForTheWest). Check out Puyo Nexus: http://puyonexus.com Follow …
Dec. 1, 2016

67 - Cody Wright

This week, we finally deliver the full interview with Cody Wright, main composer of the soundtrack to ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove. This is a tie-in with issue #1 of the Mega Visions magazine. Also joining us is Matt Phillips, who's developing a new Mega Drive game called Tanglewood. Cody W…
Nov. 24, 2016

66 - Deacon Ross from YakuzaFan.com

This week, the doors of The SEGA Lounge open up for Deacon Ross, the man behind the YakuzaFan.com website. We talk about his history with gaming and the Yakuza series, the website and his family. Awinnerwasyou is also back with a look at Zero Wing. Check out Deacon's website at http://yakuzafan.…
Nov. 10, 2016

65 - Elysian Shadows Team

Over two years after their first appearance on the show, the Elysian Shadows team drops by to talk about the game, what changed since the Kickstarter project got funded and more. Check out the game development process here: http://elysianshadows.com Follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/e…
Nov. 3, 2016

64 - Mega Visions Mag

This week, KC and Awinnerwasyou welcome back Graham, of SEGA Nerds and Mega Visions fame, to discuss the first issue of the online magazine coming out soon. Check out the Mega Visions website: https://www.megavisionsmag.com/
Oct. 27, 2016

63 - Patrick "Kori-Maru" Gardner

It's time to welcome Kori-Maru back to The SEGA Lounge to tell us more about this year's edition of the Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam event. And we couldn't let him leave without a spooky-themed challenge, could we? Follow the Fan Jm on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SSFanJam Like their Facebook page: htt…
Oct. 13, 2016

62 - Johnny Gioeli

This week, we welcome rock legend Johnny Gioeli and talk about his work with Hardline, Axel Rudi Pell, Crush 40 and his upcoming debut solo album. Also, do we have an album with children's songs on the way? You can pledge towards Johnny's solo album campaign here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/proj…
Sept. 29, 2016

61 - Fabien Demeulenaere from Game Atelier

This week, we open the doors of the Lounge to Fabien, of Game Atelier, to discuss the upcoming Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, as well as play some tracks from the game.
Sept. 22, 2016

60 - Mat Kraemer from Sanzaru Games

A week prior to the release of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, we welcome Mat Kraemer, lead designer of the game, to The SEGA Lounge. Listen as he talks about the differences between Shattered Crystal and the sequel, expresses his love for SEGA games and takes on a Master System quiz!
Sept. 15, 2016

59 - Memories of OutRun

This week we do an early celebration of the 30th anniversary of OutRun with friends of the show INeedFruit and Sean Tagg joining KC to share their own memories of the series and have a few laughs. Not to be missed if you enjoy driving a Ferrari with a blonde girl by your side!
Sept. 8, 2016

58 - The Dreamcast Junkyard

As the North American anniversay of the Dreamcast draws near, we invite Tom Charnock, from community site Dreamcast Junkyard, to come and chat about the console, his epic quest to find a barber and more. Not to be missed! Check out The Dreamcast Junkyard: http://www.thedreamcastjunkyard.co.uk F…
Sept. 1, 2016

57 - Spencer Nilsen

This week, we're joined by the legend that is Spencer Nilsen, a great composer and a great guy! Download the podcast to listen to some of Spencer's stories and learn about his history with SEGA. There's also great music!
Aug. 25, 2016

56 - Lizardcube

This week, we're joined by Ben and Omar from Lizardcube, who are working on a much anticipated remake of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. Find out more about the guys and their game and enjoy some music from the original.
Aug. 4, 2016

55 - Memories of Summer of Sonic

It's the episode before Summer of Sonic 2016, so Awinnerwasyou is back on the Lounge to have a chat about our favourite SoS memories. And a couple of guests also call in on the show. Plus, SoS music and another edition of "Memories of SEGA".
July 28, 2016

54 - James Booth

In the aftermath of the epic announcements at Sonic's 25th anniversary party in San Diego, we welcome back to the show James Booth, lead developer of Sonic Dash and Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom. And on Memories of SEGA, Awinnerwasyou looks at one of his most "treasured" games on the Saturn.
July 21, 2016

53 - Mobius Team

Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge now in official season 3 format! Join us as we talk to the Mobius Team, the guys behind Mobius Grid and have a listen at the first audio version of Awinnerwasyou's "Memories of SEGA".
June 29, 2016

52 - Mega Visions Magazine

In this special episode of The SEGA Lounge, Awinnerwasyou joins KC as they have a chat with Graham Cookson, one of the people behind the Mega Visions Magazine project. Learn more about that and feel free to pledge to their Kickstarter project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/320058960/meg…