Sonic The Hedgehog Episodes

Episodes related to SEGA's popular blue blur.
June 23, 2023

186 - Sonic’s 32nd Anniversary Special (LiVE)

To celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog's 32nd anniversary, The SEGA Lounge aired LiVE on RadioSEGA for the first time in a really long time, with friends of the show LimeReversed and James "SkillJim" Brown back for games, awards, and more on this 2-hour special episode.
May 12, 2023

182 - Sonic Frontiers: 6 Months Later

Sonic Frontiers is six months old, which means it's time for us to take a long, hard look at the blue hedgehog's latest 3D outing. Is it fun? How's the story? Is it ultimately a good game? And what does it mean for the future of the franchise? KC sits down with friends of the show, Lime Reversed, a…
Dec. 24, 2021

171 - Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Round Table

Our season finale comes in the form of a conversation with friends about our shared love for Sonic the Hedgehog. The year the blue blur turned 30, it's time to look back at what made us fans of SEGA's mascot and what we expect from the speedy hedgehog in the future. Joining KC for this special epis…
Oct. 29, 2021

166 - Sonic Colours Ultimate Round Table

The game's been out for a bit so it's about time KC and friends take it to The Lounge to discuss their thoughts on Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate. Take a listen as Jay Egge Mann, of Sonic Cage Dome, and DrScottnik, of RadioSEGA, along with your host, share their reactions to the remastered version of the…
Sept. 17, 2021

161 - Weston Super Sonic 2022 with Claire and Jono

It's time to reopen the doors of The Lounge for the final stretch of season 6! And what better way to do it than inviting back Claire and Jono Dixon, the organizers of Sonic the Hedgehog fan convention, Weston Super Sonic? Enjoy listening to their plans for next year's event and learn how you can a…
Aug. 6, 2021

SUMMER SERIES: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed by Lime Reversed

This week we welcome first-timer Lime Reversed to the Lounge to tell us all about Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, the multi platform hit that is the perfect excuse to meet more people and make new friends.
Guest: Lime Reversed
July 16, 2021

SUMMER SERIES: Sonic R by Dan "The Mega" Driver

On the first episode of our bonus Summer Series 2021, Dan "The Mega" Driver, of SEGAGUYS, tells us why he thinks Sonic R is the perfect SEGA summer game.
June 25, 2021

158 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge - Sonic's 30th Anniversary Edition

Happy 30th anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog! To celebrate, we invited TitansCreed and TheBritishAndy to bring along some friends (GreenViper8, Bryce, ZephyrFloofyDerg and Garrulous64) and go head-to-head in a Sonical edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge. Pick a team, play along and see if you can do…
June 18, 2021

157 - Sonic the Comic the Podcast

As Sonic's 30th anniversary approaches, we start our celebrations a week early by welcoming to the Lounge Dave Bulmer and Chris McFeely, hosts of Sonic the Comic the Podcast.
Dec. 22, 2020

138 - Tom Campbell

This week, I'm joined on the Lounge by the amazing Tom Campbell. Radio presenter, part of the Cultaholic Wrestling website and YouTube channel and, most importantly I'd say, Sonic the Hedgehog fan. As you probably know, everyone's favorite blue hedgehog is turning 30 next year and Tom decided a goo…
Guest: Tom Campbell
Oct. 22, 2020

131 - Spanner of Sonic Hacking Contest 2020

This week's episode is focused on another big Sonic community event: the Sonic Hacking Contest 2020, taking place between Monday, October 26th and Sunday, November 1st. Spanner of the SHC team joins me on the show this week to discuss the history of the event and what we can expect from both the Co…
Guest: Spanner
Sept. 3, 2020

124 - Carson aka Neo Hazard of SAGE 2020

The SEGA Lounge has officially reopened for business. This week, and it's a Lounge tradition already, we're covering SAGE, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020. It's a special one, not only for the sheer amount of fan games and indie games that will be showcased, but also because it's the event's 20th…
Guest: Neo Hazard
Aug. 27, 2020

BONUS: Michael Corker of Sonic the Comic Online

This week, we're going back in time to May 2018 and re-airing an interview with Michael Corker, former editor of Sonic the Comic Online. The comic was celebrating 25 years of existence at the time and Michael went on RadioSEGA's The Manic Monday Show to talk about the original physical comic, the o…
July 30, 2020

123 - Lewis Clark (Sonic Yoda) of SEGADriven

This week, I finally get to talk with a living legend of the Sonic and SEGA community. For some reason, it took me a long time to ask him to come on the show. Silly KC... Lewis Clark, aka Sonic Yoda, is the webmaster of and before it, our guest is an old school SEGA fan…
Guest: Lewis Clark
June 18, 2020

119 - Race For Good 2020 with Pete and Andy

This week, we're focusing on the Race For Good 2020, a community event ran by friend of the show Andrew 'TheBritishAndy' Wilson and Pete 'TitansCreed' Nethercote. This is the third edition of the streaming event that aims to raise money in support of Special Effect. The event is taking place this w…