Fan Projects Episodes

Oct. 23, 2014

15 - Dylan Cornelius

This week, KC does a solo act on The SEGA Lounge so the episode is a bit shorter than usual. Still, we have Dylan Cornelius on the show talking about the blog. Find out more about his goal of reviewing each game ever released for a SEGA console!
Oct. 16, 2014

14 - Zone Runners

Do we have a packed show for you this week! Joining us on the week their debut album got released are the Zone Runners, halc, DiGi Valentine and Sir J! That should be reason enough to give this podcast a listen, right? But there's more! We have the news (underwater) and Twinny joins us to talk abou…
Sept. 25, 2014

13 - donluca and Roareye from The 16-bit Audiophile Project

Can we get guests that are even crazier than SSF1991 and KC? Well, this week we find out the answer by talking to the guys behind the 16-bit Audiophile Project, donluca and Roareye. Join us as we discuss this awesome musical project, this week's news and anything else you can think of, really.
Sept. 18, 2014

12 - Jamie from Dreamcastgaga

The Dreamcast celebrations continue as we welcome Jamie, from, to The SEGA Lounge! Join us for some insight on the website and its creator, who was strongly influenced by a Dreamcast game to move to Japan! Also, Yardley!
Aug. 14, 2014

09 - Ken from

The SEGA Lounge is back and just in time to celebrate the Genesis' 25th anniversary! To do so, we invite fellow community webmaster Ken Horowitz, from to tell us about the website, his own experience with the console and relive some memories.
Guest: Ken Horowitz
July 24, 2014

08 - The Blast Processors

Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge, the weekly RadioSEGA talk show! This time, we're joined by Master System and Mega Drive from The Blast Processors. Join us as we talk about the band and listen to the track by track commentary of their new album, 'Genesis...
July 17, 2014

07 - Tyler from The SEGA Channel

This week, we open our doors to one of our fellow community webmasters and content creators, Tyler Esposito, the man behind and The SEGA Channel on YouTube. Find out more about his history with SEGA and the work he's been doing on the channel.
June 12, 2014

03 - Lizzy Silvas

This week on The SEGA Lounge, we cover E3 news on Donnie's News Corner and get to know Lizzy Silvas, a brain tumor survivor, whose love of Sonic helped her through hard times. Get inspired!
Guest: Lizzy Silvas
May 29, 2014

01 - The Megadrive Band

Welcome to The SEGA Lounge, RadioSEGA's very own talk show, hosted by SSF1991 and KC! On our first show, we interview special guests The Megadrive Band, awesome guys and talented musicians. We also talk about Sticks... and play a game of In Reverse.