Fan Projects Episodes

Oct. 22, 2020

131 - Spanner of Sonic Hacking Contest 2020

This week's episode is focused on another big Sonic community event: the Sonic Hacking Contest 2020, taking place between Monday, October 26th and Sunday, November 1st. Spanner of the SHC team joins me on the show this week to discuss the history of the event and what we can expect from both the Co…
Guest: Spanner
Oct. 15, 2020

130 - TristaBytes

This week's guest is the amazing Bex Trista, aka TristaBytes. Presenter, interviewer, gamer, voice actor... You name it, she can probably do it. Trista hails from the UK and is well-known for her YouTube and more recently Twitch channels and she is a very entertaining person. Whenever you drop by h…
Guest: TristaBytes
Sept. 24, 2020

127 - The SEGAGUYS RetroPod

Celebrating International Podcast Day in advance, this week's guests are James and Dan, aka The SEGAGUYS, a couple of veteran SEGA fans who host The SEGAGUYS RetroPod. I had a great time recording this interview and learning about the guys' love for SEGA and how they got together to start the podca…
Sept. 10, 2020

125 - Marta Camilo of SEGA of Europe

My guest this week is a fellow Portuguese who's been working at SEGA of Europe for six years now and is currently a Senior Designer. She is also a Twitch streamer in her spare time, and a very entertaining one at that. We talk about her gaming experience, how she got a job "making pretty pictures f…
Guest: Marta Camilo
Sept. 3, 2020

124 - Carson aka Neo Hazard of SAGE 2020

The SEGA Lounge has officially reopened for business. This week, and it's a Lounge tradition already, we're covering SAGE, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020. It's a special one, not only for the sheer amount of fan games and indie games that will be showcased, but also because it's the event's 20th…
Guest: Neo Hazard
Aug. 27, 2020

BONUS: Michael Corker of Sonic the Comic Online

This week, we're going back in time to May 2018 and re-airing an interview with Michael Corker, former editor of Sonic the Comic Online. The comic was celebrating 25 years of existence at the time and Michael went on RadioSEGA's The Manic Monday Show to talk about the original physical comic, the o…
Aug. 13, 2020


This week I'm bringing back an interview first aired on RadioSEGA's The Manic Monday Show on the 26th of February 2018. The person I interviewed is Steve, aka OSC. He is a long time collaborator of mine doing music for RadioSEGA shows as well as being the director of one of the station's remix albu…
Guest: OSC
July 30, 2020

123 - Lewis Clark (Sonic Yoda) of SEGADriven

This week, I finally get to talk with a living legend of the Sonic and SEGA community. For some reason, it took me a long time to ask him to come on the show. Silly KC... Lewis Clark, aka Sonic Yoda, is the webmaster of and before it, our guest is an old school SEGA fan…
Guest: Lewis Clark
July 23, 2020

122 - Andrew Dickinson (Dreamcast: Year Two)

Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge! This week's guest is Andrew Dickinson, author of the upcoming Dreamcast: Year Two book
June 25, 2020

120 - Patrick Hickey Jr.

Patrick Hickey Jr., author of the series of books The Minds Behind the Games, joins KC for a chat on The SEGA Lounge. Learn more about this multi-talented man and his future projects, including a Genesis book.
June 18, 2020

119 - Race For Good 2020 with Pete and Andy

This week, we're focusing on the Race For Good 2020, a community event ran by friend of the show Andrew 'TheBritishAndy' Wilson and Pete 'TitansCreed' Nethercote. This is the third edition of the streaming event that aims to raise money in support of Special Effect. The event is taking place this w…
May 28, 2020

116 - St1ka

It's time to welcome our second YouTuber in a row! This week's guest St1ka, host of "St1ka's Retro Corner" on YouTube and a man with an interesting background as a gamer. Learn more about his channel and find out if he's got what it takes to earn The SEGA Lounge Seal of Approval.
Guest: St1ka
May 21, 2020

115 - Genesis VII

Following up on our SEGA Heroes episode, it's a pleasure to welcome Genesis VII, last week's 'lost' guest, to discuss his interesting history with SEGA games and how a mobile game published by the company ignited the spark to create a YouTube channel, and led to a partnership with SEGA themselves. …
Guest: Genesis VII
May 7, 2020

113 - Arcade Perfect Podcast

We're going old school this week with Daz and Taggsta, hosts of Aussie-based show, Arcade Perfect Podcast. Learn more about their search for the best and worst arcade game conversions and find out if they can get an arcade perfect score of their own in our challenge.
April 23, 2020

111 - The Saturn Junkyard

It is finally time to welcome The Saturn Junkyard to The Lounge. This week, Brian and Simon join KC for a chat about their blog and community and play a technically troubled edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge. Tune in to find out the winners of our Space Channel 5 VR giveaway.