Fan Projects Episodes

Dec. 6, 2024

244 - George Kitchen (Dreams of Saturn)

This week, I'm joined by George Kitchen, a well-known figure in the Shenmue community, and the developer of beloved fan game "Dreams of Saturn". George talks about discovering Shenmue, his involvement with the community, and ...
Oct. 25, 2024

238 - Aeon and Peky of Persona Spain

This week, Aeon and Peky of Persona Spain come on The Lounge to discuss the birth of this amazing Spanish-speaking community, the impact of Persona and how it's becoming more and more mainstream, and play a fun edition of our...
Guests: Aeon , Peky
Aug. 2, 2024

226 - Matthew Drury (Streets of Rage Saga)

Matthew Drury has taken writing fan fiction about his favorite SEGA franchise, Streets of Rage, to a whole new level. Now a series of novels expanding the universe of the games, Streets of Rage Saga is a project almost 30 years in the making. Find out more about its author on this week's episode.
Guest: Matthew Drury
April 5, 2024

215 - RAGE: Unleashed with Fran Campos, Danny Stokes, and Adrian Vereda

It's not every week we get to discuss a fan film, and certainly not one based on Streets of Rage. Joining KC this week are Fran Campos, creator and director, Danny Stokes, co-writer and creative consultant, and Adrian Vereda, actor who gives life to Axel in the upcoming "RAGE: Unleashed". They're a…
Oct. 27, 2023

201 - Lewis Cox (The Dreamcast Junkyard)

Lewis Cox, current head of The Dreamcast Junkyard finally comes on the show to share his history with SEGA's final console and the community surrounding it. He also takes his chance at getting the much coveted Seal of Approval. Can he make it?
Guest: Lewis Cox
Sept. 8, 2023

196 - SAGE 2023 (LIVE)

Our second LIVE episode in two weeks, sees LimeReversed, GreenViper8 of RadioSEGA, and Lewis "SonicYoda" Clark of, joining KC to discuss this year's Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE). Each of them pick four games they enjoyed and we take it from there.
Aug. 11, 2023

193 - Mike Phelan (The A to Z of Dreamcast Games)

Mike Phelan, of The Dreamcast Junkyard, joins us this week to talk about his upcoming book "The A to Z of Dreamcast Games", a comprehensive guide to help collectors of SEGA's last console. We get into his love for the system and test his knowledge of Dreamcast music.
Guest: Mike Phelan
June 30, 2023

187 - Noah N. Copeland (Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit)

The multi-talented Noah N. Copeland, creator of the acclaimed fan game Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, is here to tell us all about the origins, challenges, and future of this amazing project.
June 2, 2023

185 - Andrew Dickinson (Dreamcast: Year Two) Returns

This week, I’m joined once more by Andrew Dickinson, author of Dreamcast: Year Two. As the Kickstarter-backed book is getting to people's hands, I thought it made sense for Andrew to return and tell us how it all went down.
May 26, 2023

184 - Adam Sipione (A Gamer’s Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue)

Five years after his last appearance on the show, Adam Sipione returns to The SEGA Lounge to discuss the arduous journey (pun intended) involved in completing his documentary about Shenmue. A Gamer's Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue is a love letter to Yu Suzuki's series, and we get to kn…
Guest: Adam Sipione
April 28, 2023

181 - Kay Martinez (Masterpieces: Jet Set Radio Future)

This week's guest is Kay Martinez, creator of Masterpieces: Jet Set Radio Future, a new documentary about SEGA's Xbox classic. What about the (Jet Set Radio) Future? Join us as they help us understand the concept of their love for the game.   Watch M...
Guest: Kay Martinez
April 21, 2023

180 - Alessandro Schiassi (Over Jump Rally)

Our guest this week is Italian SEGA fan, Alessandro Schiassi, who's been working on a remake of SEGA Rally Championship in Unreal Engine 5, called Over Jump Rally. From his memories as a young gamer to his current project, we cover it all on this week's episode.
March 31, 2023

177 - Pete Gibbins (My Life with SEGA)

Pete Gibbins is a long-time SEGA fan who wrote a book detailing his memories of games he enjoyed throughout his life - the school, the university, and the work years. My Life with SEGA is a different kind of book about SEGA; one which, if like me you're a SEGA kid, you owe it to yourself to read, b…
Guest: Pete Gibbins
March 24, 2023

176 - Jonathan Gamra (The Consouls)

KC is a big fan of The Consouls band so you get to know them better on this week's show. Gamra, bassist and co-founder of this amazing video game arrangements ensemble, is on The Lounge to open the book on their origins and their work.
March 10, 2023

174 - gsaurus (Streets of Rage 2: New Era)

This week, I’m joined by gsaurus, aka Gil Costa, developer of Streets of Rage 2: New Era. Listen on to get to know this software developer who dreams of getting his HD port of Streets of Rage 2 picked up by SEGA, and to find some interesting tidbits of information about the development process.
Guest: gsaurus