SUMMER SERIES: California Games by Renato Almeida

For the last summer game suggestion of 2021, returning guest Renato Almeida picked California Games, aka Jogos de Verão, as it was known in his country, Brazil. We're closing this summer series in style with an actual summer game. What are the odds?!
Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to
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Renato Almeida
PR Specialist
Renato grew up a SEGA kid in Brazil and pretended to be SEGA's CEO at a young age. His love for the company only grew stronger with time and he ended up working with the blue brand in a PR and communications capacity. Eventually, Renato founded Masamune, a PR, marketing and communications agency. To this day, he maintains a healthy relationship with SEGA helping the company reach the Brazilian market with their games.