Roel van Mastbergen

Roel van Mastbergen Profile Photo


Founder of Senile Team, developer of Dreamcast games. Artist, programmer and game designer. Earned 3 bonus points in the SEGA Lounge Podcast Quiz.

Oct. 1, 2021

163 - Roel van Mastbergen of Senile Team

4 years after he last came on the show, Roel van Masterbergen, founder of Senile Team, is back on The SEGA Lounge to talk more about Intrepid Izzy, a brand new game for the Dreamcast, as well as his own life as a SEGA and video game fan.
Oct. 5, 2017

92 - Roel from Senile Team

Welcome back to The Lounge! This week, we chat to Roel van Mastbergen about a new indie Dreamcast game called Intrepid Izzy. Check out Intrepid Izzy on Kickstarter: