Riku Rose


Feb. 19, 2021

140 - Best of SEGA in 2020

Ah... 2020... What a year! In more ways than one, a terrible year. Thankfully, we can always count on video games to offer some kind of escapism and therapy through troubled times. And boy did we all need that last year! Last week we looked at what I would like to think of as my way to bring some s…
Dec. 3, 2020

136 - Riku Rose of The Tojo Dojo

This week, I’m joined on The SEGA Lounge by Riku Rose, chairman of The Tojo Dojo, a recent but great resource for all your Yakuza and Shenmue needs. Created earlier this year, it’s grown in support on social media and has been sharing memes and news related to, mostly, the Yakuza franchise. It was …
Guest: Riku Rose