João "Ravsieg" Pires



Currently working in the industry.

Used to do the below:
- Live Show Host (FiGHTS into Streams, The Chart Toppin' Show and Ravsdom!! for RadioSEGA)
- Streamer (RadioSEGA/personal account)
- Writer (articles on retro games & analysis for new games
at Pixel Glitch [Portuguese])
- Podcaster (SEGAzices [Portuguese]/RadioSEGA)
- Admin (Sega Portugal @ Facebook)
- Moderator (Sega Forever @ Discord)
- Tournament Host & Organiser (LoL, retro & FG)
- Casual eSporter / competitor (Retro, SoulCalibur & Virtua Fighter)
- Localisation Quality Assurance Tester
- Learning & Development Specialist @ LQA Testing
- Translator
- External Testing

Dec. 13, 2024

245 - SEGA Franchise Tier List - Part 2 (LiVE)

Nine months after part 1, the team (KC, SkillJim, Lime Reversed, and Ravsieg) is back to put this debate to bed. How do we rank SEGA's most iconic franchises? This second part includes a surprise: one additional series handpi...
Nov. 22, 2024

242 - 30 Years of the SEGA Saturn with Ravsieg and The SEGAGuys

30 years ago, SEGA's 32-bit machine, the Saturn, launched in Japan. Three decades later, Ravsieg and The SEGAGuys - Dan 'The Mega' Driver, and James 'The SEGAHolic' - try to educate KC on the importance of the console back th...
May 31, 2024

222 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 10th Anniversary Special

Our special 10th anniversary celebratory edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge is here, with two incredible teams of SEGA fans facing off in a special quiz to test their #SEGAducation. It's Team Dojo & Gum vs Team Zesty and it's going to be a VERY close one.
March 29, 2024

214 - SEGA Franchise Tier List - Part 1 (LiVE)

In what is probably the most controversial episode of The SEGA Lounge to date, KC is joined by SkillJim, Lime, and Ravsieg, to discuss the latest SEGA news as well as rank some of the most popular SEGA series. Friendships will be tested in this longer-than-usual episode. Have a different opinion? L…
Oct. 20, 2023

200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special

200 EPISODES!! Many guests, many laughs, and many challenges later, it's time to celebrate by stressing people out the way only we can. It's a special edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge with TEAM ZESTY going head-to-head against TEAM MILK'S PERFECT FOR A SCHOOL BOY I'D SAY.
June 4, 2021

155 - Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Round Table

Welcome to a very special episode of The SEGA Lounge as KC is joined by Ravsieg, Blessy, Matt Oliver and James Brown and they all share their thoughts and impressions on the newest entry in the Virtua Fighter series: Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.
Feb. 19, 2021

140 - Best of SEGA in 2020

Ah... 2020... What a year! In more ways than one, a terrible year. Thankfully, we can always count on video games to offer some kind of escapism and therapy through troubled times. And boy did we all need that last year! Last week we looked at what I would like to think of as my way to bring some s…
May 14, 2020

114 - SEGA Heroes with Kori-Maru & Ravsieg

SEGA and developer Demiurge recently announced the discontinuation of mobile hit SEGA Heroes. The servers will be deactivated on May 21st. With one week left to play the game, KC sat down with massive fans Kori-Maru (SEGA Bits) and Ravsieg (RadioSEGA) to discuss what was great about it and what the…