Currently working in the industry.
Used to do the below:
- Live Show Host (FiGHTS into Streams, The Chart Toppin' Show and Ravsdom!! for RadioSEGA)
- Streamer (RadioSEGA/personal account)
- Writer (articles on retro games & analysis for new games
at Pixel Glitch [Portuguese])
- Podcaster (SEGAzices [Portuguese]/RadioSEGA)
- Admin (Sega Portugal @ Facebook)
- Moderator (Sega Forever @ Discord)
- Tournament Host & Organiser (LoL, retro & FG)
- Casual eSporter / competitor (Retro, SoulCalibur & Virtua Fighter)
- Localisation Quality Assurance Tester
- Learning & Development Specialist @ LQA Testing
- Translator
- External Testing