Matt Oliver

Matt Oliver Profile Photo


Shenmue Dojo co-owner, podcaster/interviewer, retro collector & part of the wider Shenmue Community.

Nov. 15, 2024

241 - CHALLENGE: Team Dreamcast Junkyard vs Team Shenmue Dojo

The SEGA Lounge Challenge returns, this time pitting two teams of well established fan communities against each other. On one side, The Dreamcast Junkyard; on the other, Shenmue Dojo. Four rounds and two bonus games will test...
Aug. 30, 2024

230 - August News Roundup (LiVE)

It's time once again to cover the most recent SEGA news, which includes Sonic The Hedgehog (and Shadow), Like a Dragon, and much more. Joining KC to comment on it all are SkillJim, Lime Reversed, and Shenmue Dojo's Matt Olive...
May 31, 2024

222 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 10th Anniversary Special

Our special 10th anniversary celebratory edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge is here, with two incredible teams of SEGA fans facing off in a special quiz to test their #SEGAducation. It's Team Dojo & Gum vs Team Zesty and it's going to be a VERY close one.
April 19, 2024

217 - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth feat. The Non-Nanba Club

It's almost been 3 months since the release of RGG Studio's latest masterpiece, so KC invited Matt Oliver and Brian Vines back on the show to discuss Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Listen to everyone's opinions on the game, where they spent most of their time, and their shared dislike for a certai…
Oct. 20, 2023

200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special

200 EPISODES!! Many guests, many laughs, and many challenges later, it's time to celebrate by stressing people out the way only we can. It's a special edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge with TEAM ZESTY going head-to-head against TEAM MILK'S PERFECT FOR A SCHOOL BOY I'D SAY.
Sept. 15, 2023

197 - Like a Dragon: Ishin! - 6 Months Later

Travel back to feudal Japan with our deep dive into Like a Dragon: Ishin! six months after its release. Joining KC are Twitch streamer Bikachan90, and Matt Oliver of Shenmue Dojo. Listen as they discuss what's so great about the RGG Studio game and their expectations towards the future of the serie…
Aug. 4, 2023

192 - #LetsGetShenmue4 (feat. Shenmue Dojo)

Using the fact that the Friday of the release of this episode is the 4th of a month as an excuse, KC invited back on the show Matt Oliver and James Brown, from Shenmue Dojo, to talk Shenmue! A lively discussion about the importance of the series to each of us, the invaluable contribution of the com…
March 3, 2023

173 - Best of SEGA in 2022

In the second episode of the season, we take a look back at SEGA's year of 2022 from the lens of the community. KC invited some friends of the show to share their thoughts about last year in terms of SEGA games and more, as well as their hopes for 2023.
Oct. 8, 2021

164 - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Round Table

Just in time for the release of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, RadioSEGA's Viper, and James and Matt from Shenmue Dojo, join KC for a conversation about their thoughts on the game, the music, a certain infamous review of the game by another media outlet and more.
July 23, 2021

SUMMER SERIES: Shenmue by James and Matt

What do you get when you ask James and Matt of Shenmue Dojo to ask about their favorite summer game? An episode about Shenmue, of course! Listen in to find out all the reasons why Yu Suzuki's classic is perfect for any season.
June 4, 2021

155 - Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Round Table

Welcome to a very special episode of The SEGA Lounge as KC is joined by Ravsieg, Blessy, Matt Oliver and James Brown and they all share their thoughts and impressions on the newest entry in the Virtua Fighter series: Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.
May 28, 2021

154 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge 7th Anniversary Edition

On the 29th of May, 2014, the first episode of The SEGA Lounge aired on RadioSEGA. That same night a tradition was born - to put our fine guests to the test with crazy challenges. This week, we're celebrating the show's 7th anniversary by taking that tradition to the next level. Welcome to the very…
May 7, 2021

151 - Alex Kidd's 35th Anniversary Special

This week's episode of The SEGA Lounge is a very special one as we look back at 35 years of Alex Kidd. 2021 marks the 35th anniversary of the release of Alex Kidd in Miracle World and I thought the best way to celebrate the occasion would be to invite some of my friends from the community to share …
Feb. 19, 2021

140 - Best of SEGA in 2020

Ah... 2020... What a year! In more ways than one, a terrible year. Thankfully, we can always count on video games to offer some kind of escapism and therapy through troubled times. And boy did we all need that last year! Last week we looked at what I would like to think of as my way to bring some s…
Nov. 26, 2020

135 - James Brown and Matt Oliver from Shenmue Dojo

This week, I'm incredibly honored to be joined by the current co-owners of Shenmue Dojo, the most prominent online resource for Shenmue news, info and more, and also the most active community. The Dojo turned 20 years old earlier this month, which is in and of itself an achievement, but when you ad…