Ken Horowitz

Ken Horowitz Profile Photo

Professor of English, Video Game Researcher

Sept. 6, 2024

231 - 20 Years of Sega-16 and 35 Years of the SEGA Genesis with Ken Horowitz

Returning to The SEGA Lounge once again is Ken Horowitz, of This time, we discuss the 20th anniversary of Ken's SEGA-themed website, his books, and the 35th anniversary of the SEGA Genesis, as well as its impact ...
Guest: Ken Horowitz
Feb. 9, 2017

72 - Ken Horowitz

This week, we welcome back Ken Horowitz to the show and learn more about his book "Playing at the Next Level". He also reveals his plans for an upcoming book dedicated to another piece of SEGA history. - Follow Sega-16 on Twitter: - Check out Ken's book: https://www.a…
Guest: Ken Horowitz
Aug. 14, 2014

09 - Ken from

The SEGA Lounge is back and just in time to celebrate the Genesis' 25th anniversary! To do so, we invite fellow community webmaster Ken Horowitz, from to tell us about the website, his own experience with the console and relive some memories.
Guest: Ken Horowitz