Felix Wagner

Felix Wagner Profile Photo

Project Manager

Project Manager for United Games Entertainment/ININ Games. Worked on titles such as Air Twister, Slaps & Beans 2 and Wonder Boy Collections, among others.

May 17, 2024

221 - Andreas Scholl & Felix Wagner (Rainbow Cotton)

This week, Andreas Scholl, of KRITZELKRATZ 3000, and lead programmer on the new HD remake of Rainbow Cotton, and Felix Wagner, of ININ Games, join KC to discuss the recently released modern version of the Dreamcast shmup. Andreas also explains how his love for SEGA resulted in him getting involved …
Nov. 24, 2023

205 - Air Twister with Felix Wagner (ININ Games)

Following the release of Air Twister, Yu Suzuki's latest title, on most current-gen systems, Felix Wagner of ININ Games stops by The SEGA Lounge to discuss the game and what it's like to collaborate with a SEGA and video game legend.
Guest: Felix Wagner