Danny Russell

Danny Russell Profile Photo

Community Manager

Senior Global Community Manager at SEGA.

Feb. 19, 2021

140 - Best of SEGA in 2020

Ah... 2020... What a year! In more ways than one, a terrible year. Thankfully, we can always count on video games to offer some kind of escapism and therapy through troubled times. And boy did we all need that last year! Last week we looked at what I would like to think of as my way to bring some s…
Dec. 16, 2018

97 - Danny Russell from SEGA Networks

Just in time for RadioSEGA's WinterFest 2018, The SEGA Lounge closes its doors with one last special episode featuring Danny Russell, from SEGA Networks. Join us for a fun chat about his life as a SEGA fan and some of the projects he's been working on. And, since this was also the closing show of t…
Guest: Danny Russell