Ben Fiquet

Ben Fiquet Profile Photo

Art/Creative Director, CEO

Ben Fiquet is the Art/Creative Director and CEO of Lizardcube, the studio responsible for the remake of Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap and Streets of Rage 4

April 30, 2020

112 - Cyrille Imbert of Dotemu & Ben Fiquet of Lizardcube

Happy #SOR4DAY, everyone! Celebrating the release of Streets of Rage 4, KC interviews Cyrille Imbert (Dotemu), Executive Producer, and Ben Fiquet (Lizardcube), Art Director, on Streets of Rage 4. Why not listen while you play the game which is, by the way, out now?
Aug. 25, 2016

56 - Lizardcube

This week, we're joined by Ben and Omar from Lizardcube, who are working on a much anticipated remake of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. Find out more about the guys and their game and enjoy some music from the original.
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