Editor-in-Chief of Debug and GENERATIONS magazines. Founder & Director of GameBound. Author of Dreamcast: Year One & Year Two, team member at The Dreamcast Junkyard.
The SEGA Lounge Challenge returns, this time pitting two teams of well established fan communities against each other. On one side, The Dreamcast Junkyard; on the other, Shenmue Dojo. Four rounds and two bonus games will test...
Forget 9.9.99! This week we're all about 14.10.99 as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the SEGA Dreamcast in Europe . Joining KC are returning guests Lewis Cox and Andrew Dickinson of The Dreamcast Junkyard, and first time...
This week, I’m joined once more by Andrew Dickinson, author of Dreamcast: Year Two. As the Kickstarter-backed book is getting to people's hands, I thought it made sense for Andrew to return and tell us how it all went down.
Ah... 2020... What a year! In more ways than one, a terrible year. Thankfully, we can always count on video games to offer some kind of escapism and therapy through troubled times. And boy did we all need that last year! Last week we looked at what I would like to think of as my way to bring some s…