Special Events Episodes

Sept. 13, 2024

232 - SAGE 2024 Highlights (LiVE)

Our SAGE 2024 Special is here! KC is joined by Lime Reversed, Viper, and Sonic Yoda, to highlight some of the panel's favorite games from this year's edition of the expo. Games featured: Sonic Grind , by fractalcherries - htt...
May 31, 2024

222 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 10th Anniversary Special

Our special 10th anniversary celebratory edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge is here, with two incredible teams of SEGA fans facing off in a special quiz to test their #SEGAducation. It's Team Dojo & Gum vs Team Zesty and it's going to be a VERY close one.
Oct. 20, 2023

200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special

200 EPISODES!! Many guests, many laughs, and many challenges later, it's time to celebrate by stressing people out the way only we can. It's a special edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge with TEAM ZESTY going head-to-head against TEAM MILK'S PERFECT FOR A SCHOOL BOY I'D SAY.
June 25, 2021

158 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge - Sonic's 30th Anniversary Edition

Happy 30th anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog! To celebrate, we invited TitansCreed and TheBritishAndy to bring along some friends (GreenViper8, Bryce, ZephyrFloofyDerg and Garrulous64) and go head-to-head in a Sonical edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge. Pick a team, play along and see if you can do…
May 28, 2021

154 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge 7th Anniversary Edition

On the 29th of May, 2014, the first episode of The SEGA Lounge aired on RadioSEGA. That same night a tradition was born - to put our fine guests to the test with crazy challenges. This week, we're celebrating the show's 7th anniversary by taking that tradition to the next level. Welcome to the very…
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