Reviews Episodes

Oct. 29, 2021

166 - Sonic Colours Ultimate Round Table

The game's been out for a bit so it's about time KC and friends take it to The Lounge to discuss their thoughts on Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate. Take a listen as Jay Egge Mann, of Sonic Cage Dome, and DrScottnik, of RadioSEGA, along with your host, share their reactions to the remastered version of the…
Oct. 8, 2021

164 - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Round Table

Just in time for the release of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, RadioSEGA's Viper, and James and Matt from Shenmue Dojo, join KC for a conversation about their thoughts on the game, the music, a certain infamous review of the game by another media outlet and more.
June 5, 2021

BONUS: Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World Review

Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World is a remake of the 1994 Mega Drive game Monster World IV. It's available for both PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. Listen along as KC shares his thoughts on the game.
Jan. 21, 2021

BONUS: Yakuza: Like a Dragon Review

Listen to KC's thoughts on Yakuza: Like a Dragon, the latest entry in the popular Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio series in this long overdue review of the game.
April 29, 2020

BONUS: Streets of Rage 4 Review

As part of our #SOR4DAY celebrations, take a listen to KC's review of his time spent with Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games' Streets of Rage 4, a sequel 26 years in the making.