Documentaries Episodes

May 26, 2023

184 - Adam Sipione (A Gamer’s Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue)

Five years after his last appearance on the show, Adam Sipione returns to The SEGA Lounge to discuss the arduous journey (pun intended) involved in completing his documentary about Shenmue. A Gamer's Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue is a love letter to Yu Suzuki's series, and we get to kn…
Guest: Adam Sipione
April 28, 2023

181 - Kay Martinez (Masterpieces: Jet Set Radio Future)

This week's guest is Kay Martinez, creator of Masterpieces: Jet Set Radio Future, a new documentary about SEGA's Xbox classic. What about the (Jet Set Radio) Future? Join us as they help us understand the concept of their love for the game.   Watch M...
Guest: Kay Martinez
Aug. 9, 2018

95 - Adam Sipione

The SEGA Lounge is back with a handful of episodes to air throughout the coming months. For the first one, learn more about "A Gamer's Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue", a Kickstarter-funded documentary about the beloved SEGA series. We talk to Adam Sipione, the mastermind behind it all a…
Guest: Adam Sipione