Charity Episodes

Aug. 25, 2023

194 - ScottyMo (Dreamcast 12-Hour Marathon 2023)

Joining KC this week is ScottyMo, host of the Dreamcast 12-Hour Marathon 2023, in aid of Extra Life. Scotty tells us more about this event with a 10-year history, and faces the infamous challenge with a lot of... dead air!
Guest: ScottyMo
June 25, 2021

158 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge - Sonic's 30th Anniversary Edition

Happy 30th anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog! To celebrate, we invited TitansCreed and TheBritishAndy to bring along some friends (GreenViper8, Bryce, ZephyrFloofyDerg and Garrulous64) and go head-to-head in a Sonical edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge. Pick a team, play along and see if you can do…
Feb. 26, 2021

141 - Becky Frost & Mark Saville of SpecialEffect

This week, we're kicking off the GameBlast 21 festivities with a chat with Becky Frost, Community Events & Volunteer Coordinator, and Mark Saville, Communications Officer, both from SpecialEffect. They explain what this charity is, talk about GameBlast and tell us how you and I can help SpecialEffe…
June 18, 2020

119 - Race For Good 2020 with Pete and Andy

This week, we're focusing on the Race For Good 2020, a community event ran by friend of the show Andrew 'TheBritishAndy' Wilson and Pete 'TitansCreed' Nethercote. This is the third edition of the streaming event that aims to raise money in support of Special Effect. The event is taking place this w…