June 15, 2017
86 - Round Table - E3 Reactions

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This week, The SEGA Lounge went LiVE with another Round Table, focusing on E3 2017. Join hosts KC and Shadid as well as guests Graham (SEGA Nerds/Mega Visions) and Dylan (SEGA Does) as they share their thoughts and concerns on the event and games.
This week, The SEGA Lounge went LiVE with another Round Table, focusing on E3 2017. Join hosts KC and Shadid as well as guests Graham (SEGA Nerds/Mega Visions) and Dylan (SEGA Does) as they share their thoughts and concerns on the event and games.
- Follow Shadid on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkWindPT
- Follow Shadid on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/DarkWindPT
- Follow Graham Cookson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrahamCookson
- Check out SEGA Nerds: http://www.seganerds.com
- Check out Mega Visions magazine: http://megavisionsmag.com
- Follow Dylan Cornelius on Twitter: https:/twitter.com/TheDylanThe
- Check out SEGA Does: https://segadoes.com