Oct. 20, 2023

200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special

200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special
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200 - The SEGA Lounge Challenge: 200th Episode Special

200 EPISODES!! Many guests, many laughs, and many challenges later, it's time to celebrate by stressing people out the way only we can. It's a special edition of The SEGA Lounge Challenge with TEAM ZESTY going head-to-head against TEAM MILK'S PERFECT FOR A SCHOOL BOY I'D SAY.

Find out who won and take part in the challenge yourself to see if you've got the required #SEGAducation to get our official 'seal of approval' (it's a real thing!).


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva

Follow The SEGA Lounge on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesegalounge

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesegalounge

Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesegalounge

Find KC on social media: https://bento.me/kcradioman

James 'SkillJim' Brown Profile Photo

James 'SkillJim' Brown

Web Admin, Author

Shenmue Dojo co-owner, Suka Pass co-designer, creator & chief editor of successful Kickstarter for Shenmue World fan magazine, massive SEGA fan and collector.

Matt Oliver Profile Photo

Matt Oliver


Shenmue Dojo co-owner, podcaster/interviewer, retro collector & part of the wider Shenmue Community.


João "Ravsieg" Pires


Currently working in the industry.

Used to do the below:
- Live Show Host (FiGHTS into Streams, The Chart Toppin' Show and Ravsdom!! for RadioSEGA)
- Streamer (RadioSEGA/personal account)
- Writer (articles on retro games & analysis for new games
at Pixel Glitch [Portuguese])
- Podcaster (SEGAzices [Portuguese]/RadioSEGA)
- Admin (Sega Portugal @ Facebook)
- Moderator (Sega Forever @ Discord)
- Tournament Host & Organiser (LoL, retro & FG)
- Casual eSporter / competitor (Retro, SoulCalibur & Virtua Fighter)
- Localisation Quality Assurance Tester
- Learning & Development Specialist @ LQA Testing
- Translator
- External Testing

Lime Reversed Profile Photo

Lime Reversed


Lime Reversed, aka Emil, is a Twitch streamer who plays games with the help of his trusty sidekick Miranda Random, a random word generator.


Dean "INeedFruit" Hunt

DJ / SEGA fan / RadioSEGA fan

One of the worlds leading voices on Dynamite Headdy, INeedFruit is a person.

He has been active in SEGA and Sonic communities online since the early 2000s. He hosted the arcade-focused show ClubSEGA on RadioSEGA, co-hosted several episodes of The SEGA Lounge with KC, and had a short-lived streaming series called Area-X. Currently, he is learning how to develop indie games and is an avid fighting game player, traveling the world to compete in various FGC events.

Andrew 'Syn' Fritz Profile Photo

Andrew 'Syn' Fritz

Twitch streamer