April 21, 2023

180 - Alessandro Schiassi (Over Jump Rally)

180 - Alessandro Schiassi (Over Jump Rally)
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The SEGA Lounge

Our guest this week is Italian SEGA fan, Alessandro Schiassi, who's been working on a remake of SEGA Rally Championship in Unreal Engine 5, called Over Jump Rally. From his memories as a young gamer to his current project, we cover it all on this week's episode.

Join the Discord server to access the demo: https://discord.gg/YRA24wZvHS


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva

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Alessandro Schiassi Profile Photo

Alessandro Schiassi

Game Dev

Rookie Game Dev with a strong background in VFX. Originally from Italy, calling Los Angeles his home since 2010. Sega fan since I was a kid; I picked Sega Rally to remake as a way to learn Unreal Engine 5.