April 2, 2021

146 - Jörg Tittel

146 - Jörg Tittel
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146 - Jörg Tittel

Joining KC this week is Jörg Tittel, citizen of the world, former Official Dreamcast Magazine writer, massive SEGA fan and one of the minds behind "The Last Worker", an upcoming game which has just been announced a few days ago. Listen in for some interesting stories and a Dreamcast-centric musical challenge.

Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge! This is episode 146, aka episode 8 of the current season of the show. It's crazy, I know, but we've been back for two months now. Time continues to move at an alarmingly fast rate and it's now April... somehow.

I'd like to once again let you know that you can suggest potential guests as well as topics for a documentary style episode like the Best of SEGA in 2020 one. I've got one of those lined up for very soon so stay tuned. I've also received a couple of interesting suggestions I'm looking into as we speak. As per usual, you can reach me at podcast@thesegalounge.com or by dropping me a message on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

This week, it's a privilege for me to be joined by Jörg Tittel, former writer for the Official Dreamcast Magazine in the US as well as a massive SEGA fan and currently a game developer. Listen on as we talk about Jörg's experiences with games from a tender age and I react live to the teaser for his upcoming game The Last Worker, which hadn't been announced when we recorded the interview. But now it has. Time travels!

Follow Jörg on Twitter: https://twitter.com/newjorg

Check out Oiffy's website: http://oiffy.com/

Here's the teaser for The Last Worker: https://youtu.be/PBdvCdeoEUw

Official website: https://thelastworker.com/

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/thelastworker

I'd like to let you know that Podchaser's #Reviews4Good campaign is back for a second year. If you're not familiar with Podchaser, it's a podcast directory and review site. Last year they encouraged people to leave reviews for podcasts and/or podcast episodes on their website - podchaser.com - and for each review they would donate a certain amount for Meals on Wheels. They're doing it again this year and each review means 25 cents will be donated to Meals on Wheels America's Go Further Fund. Not only that, but they will double that amount every time a podcaster replies to a review. So if you'd like to contribute, just go to podchaser.com/thesegalounge and review our podcast or any particular episode that you liked. I promise I will reply to every single review that we get and that way we can help people in a small but meaningful way.

Thank you very much for listening to The SEGA Lounge this week. I hope you'll join me again next time for more SEGA love and feel free to follow the podcast on all the usual places for up-to-date news on future episodes and other interesting stuff I'm currently cooking. Have a wonderful week. Stay safe and I'll see you all next time.


This episode is "sponsored" by Dojima Tearaway Suits.


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva

Follow The SEGA Lounge on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesegalounge

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesegalounge

Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesegalounge

Find KC on social media: https://streamerlinks.com/kcradioman

Jörg Tittel Profile Photo

Jörg Tittel

Director, Writer

Former writer for the Official Dreamcast Magazine in the US, Jörg is the founder of Oiffy, a production company established in 2011, making film and television, theater, games and comic books. He is a director, a writer, a producer and one of the minds behind The Last Worker and the VR revival of Cosmic Smash, C-Smash VRS.