143 - Iceferno

Joining KC this week is the winner of RadioSEGA's Fan Choice Remix of the Year 2020 award, Alec 'Iceferno' Brooke. Iceferno shares his experiences with both video games and their music and uses all of his knowledge in a musical quiz.
It's a new week which means a new episode and a new guest for you to get to know better. But I'd like to start this week's show by giving a very special shoutout to the Arcade Perfect Podcast crew, namely Daz and Tagg. They've been on The SEGA Lounge in the past and their podcast was a joy to listen to. Unfortunately, due to personal issues, they've decided to put the project on hold indefinitely after one last episode to be recorded soon. The Arcade Perfect Podcast will truly be missed but thanks to the "Interwebz", you can still listen to all the episodes they recorded so far and learn about the best and worst home console ports of arcade classics. Here's hoping everything goes well and they make their triumphant return some day soon.
This week, I'm welcoming Alec Brooke, aka Iceferno, to the Lounge. He won RadioSEGA's Fan Choice Remix of the Year 2020 award as voted by the station's listeners with his arrangement of "Tetremix" from the Mega Drive version of Tetris.
Keeping with tradition, I invited him over for some drinks, questions and a musical quiz. Well, maybe not drinks but definitely The SEGA Lounge Challenge! Keep listening to find out more about Iceferno's interesting history with video games as well as how the Mega Drive came into his life and what he's currently cooking in terms of his music.
- Check out Iceferno's website: https://www.iceferno.net/
- Visit his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx3uhkbbLXXrcoFydvWEiGw
- Listen and support his music on Bandcamp: https://iceferno.bandcamp.com/
- Follow Iceferno on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IcefernoAJB
- Like his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Iceferno/
As we're getting ready to close the doors of the Lounge for another week, I just wanted to give a special mention to our friends over at SEGA Shop Europe. They just announced that some new items have been added to their Mega Drive range and they look incredible. There are a couple of new awesome looking hoodies, t-shirts, a water bottle, a mug, some pins... and quite honestly, I want everything!
If, like me, you live in Europe but outside the UK there is the not that small issue of customs charges due to Brexit. If you use the segashop.eu page to purchase items all prices will be VAT free. However, there is still the matter of customs charges that can be applied to your order depending on your country's current policies. So be aware of that before you order anything. I was told that the good people at SEGA Shop Europe are working on a more permanent solution to this problem so I'll be sure to keep you posted regarding any future updates to this matter.
And now, sadly, it's time to say goodbye. I hope you had a fun time listening to this episode. And if so, please come back next week as we talk to someone who is all about going fast. Curious? Join me next time on The SEGA Lounge. Until then, please do take care and stay safe.
This week's show was "sponsored" by Traffic Cone Money Bags and Wooden Crate Gold Bars.
Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva
Follow The SEGA Lounge on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesegalounge
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesegalounge
Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesegalounge
Find KC on social media: https://streamerlinks.com/kcradioman

Alec 'Iceferno' Brooke
Iceferno has been involved in music most of his life, but only really started creating his own in 2004. His main genre is House though he produces in several others such as Chillout, Trance and their subgenres.
He is passionate about unique sounds and immersive music and, as a rule, rarely makes the same-sounding song more than once. It's challenging, but in the end more satisfying.