Oct. 29, 2020

132 - Victory Heat Rally with Ian, Aidan and RoBKTA

132 - Victory Heat Rally with Ian, Aidan and RoBKTA

This week, I'm proud to be joined on The SEGA Lounge by three members of the Victory Heat Rally team. If you're not aware of it, Victory Heat Rally is an upcoming retro-style, super scaler, arcade racing game, that is heavily inspired by classic SEGA arcade racers and is currently looking for funding on Kickstarter. I sat down with Ian and Aidan from Skydevilpalm and our old friend RoBKTA, one of the soundtrack composers, to discuss the project. And we also play a musical game. I hope you'll give it a shot as well while you're listening.

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The SEGA Lounge

Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge, everyone! Hope you're still hanging on despite all the craziness happening around us. Well, at least The Lounge is still open for business and you can chill for an hour or so with me and my guests. And I'm really happy that you're here!

Let me remind you that SEGA West are currently celebrating the company's 60th anniversary with differently themed weeks focused on specific studios within the company or franchises. Each week features interviews, streams and downloadable goodies and you can find them at https://www.sega60th.com/.

This week, I'm proud to be joined on The SEGA Lounge by three members of the Victory Heat Rally team. If you're not aware of it, Victory Heat Rally is an upcoming retro-style, super scaler, arcade racing game, that is heavily inspired by classic SEGA arcade racers and is currently looking for funding on Kickstarter. I sat down with Ian and Aidan from Skydevilpalm and our old friend RoBKTA, one of the soundtrack composers, to discuss the project. And we also play a musical game. I hope you'll give it a shot as well while you're listening.

Big thanks to Ian, Aidan and Rob for stopping by the Lounge and talking about what is already shaping up to be a great game, Victory Heat Rally. If you feel like supporting the project, have some links:

There were a loooot of entries in this week's giveaway. Seriously, there was a huge amount of people entering! Since that was the case, I'm happy to tell you that thanks to Humanature Studios and JobJob, and in conjunction with our friends over at RadioSEGA, we're giving away not 2, but 4 Steam codes for ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! Listen to the episode to find out if you are one of the 4 lucky winners.

Thank you to everyone who took part and much love to Humanature Studios and especially to Job Job, the people behind the ToeJam & Earl cookbook. Their Kickstarter got a 7-day extension so if you haven't done so, please check it out and support it if you can. If you were not one of our lucky winners, please stay tuned for more giveways in the future and be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with all our prize giving shenanigans.


This episode is sponsored by Podpage: thesegalounge.com/podpage


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva.

Follow The SEGA Lounge on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesegalounge

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesegalounge

Find KC on social media: https://streamerlinks.com/kcradioman

Ian Cid

Pixel artist, Designer

RoBKTA Profile Photo



Aidan Cid

Designer, Director