131 - Spanner of Sonic Hacking Contest 2020

This week's episode is focused on another big Sonic community event: the Sonic Hacking Contest 2020, taking place between Monday, October 26th and Sunday, November 1st. Spanner of the SHC team joins me on the show this week to discuss the history of the event and what we can expect from both the Contest and Expo sides of it this year. If you're into playing Sonic hacks and mods, keep listening.
Welcome back to The SEGA Lounge! I'm KC and it's a delight to have you here. Thank you very much for listening. Before we get into this week's episode, let me remind you of a Kickstarter project that is close to being funded and almost close to ending. If you remember, a couple of weeks ago, we had Casey Corrigan on the show to talk about ToeJam & Earl's Funky Fresh Foods of Funkotron Cookbook. Yes, that is the actual name of the cookbook. It's all about recipes anyone can make that are based around the universe of the ToeJam & Earl series. The Kickstarter ends on October 31st and there's still roughly $10,000 to go to reach the funding target.
Casey was a lot of fun to have on the show and, if by any chance you missed it the first time around, go check out episode #129. We also had a very fun time on my Twitch channel this week playing ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove. Myself, Casey, Julie, part of the book's fan community, and Nap, of Humanature Studios, developers of the game, played through the tutorial and did a full run of the fixed world mode. You can check out the VOD here.
Thanks to Humanature Studios and Job Job, the people behind the upcoming ToeJam & Earl cookbook, I have two codes for ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove on Steam to give to two of our lucky listeners. This is a region-free giveaway meaning people from all over the world can enter. To enter, simply click this link and follow the instructions. There are plenty of ways to get more than one entry in so be sure to do them all. I'll announce the winners of the two codes on next week's show.
This week's episode is focused on another big Sonic community event: the Sonic Hacking Contest 2020, taking place between Monday, October 26th and Sunday, November 1st. Spanner of the SHC team joins me on the show this week to discuss the history of the event and what we can expect from both the Contest and Expo sides of it this year. If you're into playing Sonic hacks and mods, keep listening.
Sonic Hacking Contest: https://sonichacking.org/
SHC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shcontest
This episode is sponsored by Podpage: thesegalounge.com/podpage
Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva.
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