124 - Carson aka Neo Hazard of SAGE 2020

The SEGA Lounge has officially reopened for business. This week, and it's a Lounge tradition already, we're covering SAGE, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020. It's a special one, not only for the sheer amount of fan games and indie games that will be showcased, but also because it's the event's 20th anniversary. So you can definitely expect it to be bigger and better than ever. SAGE 2020 takes place from September 5th to September 12th, and it's a pleasure to have Carson, aka Neo Hazard, on the show to discuss it. Stick around for some interesting points regarding what makes this year's event so unique, what Carson thinks of the evolution of SAGE throughout the years and a crazy challenge, as always.
How is everybody doing? I've enjoyed taking the month off, even though it wasn't exactly the whole month off because I have been recording interviews and sending emails for future episodes of the show. I also recently got into streaming both on RadioSEGA's Twitch account and my own. By the way, be sure to give both of them a follow, won't you? twitch.tv/radiosega for the station's and mine is twitch.tv/kc_radioman. Maybe we'll have some live streams related to future episodes of The SEGA Lounge. Well, at least the channel is there so keep your eyes on the socials.
As we reopen our doors, we enter the last part of season 5 of the show that will end some time in late November/early December... probably. Expect more interesting and fun conversations and feel free to suggest guests for future shows. You can click the little banner on the right side of this page and record a voicemail with your suggestion.
I apologize for some sound issues in the recording of this week's interview. We actually ended up recording via Discord and using a bot to record, but I regret that very much. Also due to recording via Discord, the nature of the challenge had to change a little bit because playing music through Discord is a pain due to the weird compression. Next week, we'll be back to our normal non-Discord sounding podcast.
This week, and it's a Lounge tradition already, we're covering SAGE, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020. It's a special one, not only for the sheer amount of fan games and indie games that will be showcased, but also because it's the event's 20th anniversary. So you can definitely expect it to be bigger and better than ever. SAGE 2020 takes place from September 5th to September 12th, and it's a pleasure to have Carson, aka Neo Hazard, on the show to discuss it. Stick around for some interesting points regarding what makes this year's event so unique, what Carson thinks of the evolution of SAGE throughout the years and a crazy challenge, as always.
Check out SAGE 2020 when it goes live: https://www.sonicfangameshq.com/SAGE/
Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva.
Follow The SEGA Lounge on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesegalounge
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Find KC on social media: https://streamerlinks.com/kcradioman
Neo Hazard