June 11, 2020

118 - Howard Drossin (Part II)

118 - Howard Drossin (Part II)
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118 - Howard Drossin (Part II)

Welcome back to our conversation with legendary SEGA composer Howard Drossin. In this second part of the interview, we talk Virtual Sonic and its "Metal Sonic" song, discuss Howard's current projects, and he shares some advice for wannabe vgm composers. Oh, and there's The SEGA Lounge Challenge in there somewhere!

Welcome back to our conversation with legendary SEGA composer Howard Drossin. In this second part of the interview, we talk Virtual Sonic and its "Metal Sonic" song, discuss Howard's current projects, and he shares some advice for wannabe vgm composers. Oh, and there's The SEGA Lounge Challenge in there somewhere!

If you missed the first part of the interview, check it out here: https://www.thesegalounge.com/117-howarddrossin1


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com.

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